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Teams Success for St. Lukes

Staff and Pupils of St. Luke’s Primary School are reaping the rewards of using Microsoft Teams within their classrooms. Teams combines chat, meetings, files and attachments to allow staff and pupils to better communicate, share resources and set assignments. St. Luke’s started using Teams 2 terms ago haven’t looked back.

Teachers, subject leaders and SLT all have their own teams they can use. With Teams being cloud based this means members can enjoy the accessibility of being able to use it on any device, anywhere while also maintaining a strong security aspect to keep all the data safe.

With this new found freedom the teaching and learning has evolved. Not only does it move the classroom away from it’s traditional setting but it also boosts collaboration and creativity. It is easy for pupils to upload any relevant information they find and share this with classmates even after the end of the school day. It also allows the pupils to practise online behaviours in a safe and monitored environment which prepares them for the 21st century life and digital communication.

Away from the classroom the SLT can complete monitoring and feedback using Teams and this is made easier because the Childrens’ work is already on the system.

All this has led to pupils having a greater sense of e-safety, greater ownership of work and improve communication.

St. Luke’s are also keen to not rest on their laurels. They are trying to think of new ways to use the resource and are keen to role Teams out to their Governors following its success in the school. If your school would be interested in a demonstration of Teams and how it can be used then please let us know.

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